Five things I believe in

Sticking Post-it notes is not co-creation

Solutions only work well when they fit your organizational culture, process, and ambitions. And if they are widely supported. That’s why we will work together with your entire team. Thus, we combine your knowledge of your business and market with my knowledge of brands and communications.

Good preparation guarantees that it will not be a non-committal session of sticking post-its but that it will really achieve something. I use tools that allow us to get to the point quickly and move the ideas forward.

Your customer or user’s point of view

An ideal customer journey is consistent and credible across all means and channels. It should always be clear who is speaking, and the message should always be recognizable. And with each contact, your customer has to find the relevant information for that moment. From your website and online communications to corporate apparel, print, advertising, fleet, signage and more.

That doesn’t mean everything has to be the same. But to really connect with your customers, there must be a logical connection between everything you say and do.

The power of brands

I am a certified trainer of Brand the Change. A global online community dedicated to helping better sell products and ideas for a different world. We want to democratize knowledge about brands. It also gives companies that do not have the budgets of the big players the tools to make a real difference.


I don’t have a standard format for projects and workshops because every question and every organization is different. The models and working methods of Brand the Change that I usually use bring together many brand models I have seen over the years. This methodology is very scalable and flexible. I supplement it with Design Thinking methods when necessary to address any brand or communication question in a customized way.


By now, I have encountered almost every dilemma about brands and communications, in organizations large and small, from companies to governments and cultural institutions. Yet I still learn something new almost daily because I always want to know more.

Five things I believe in

Sticking Post-it notes is not co-creation

Solutions only work well when they fit your organizational culture, process, and ambitions. And if they are widely supported. That’s why we will work together with your entire team. Thus, we combine your knowledge of your business and market with my knowledge of brands and communications.

Good preparation guarantees that it will not be a non-committal session of sticking post-its but that it will really achieve something. I use tools that allow us to get to the point quickly and move the ideas forward.

Your customer or user’s point of view

An ideal customer journey is consistent and credible across all means and channels. It should always be clear who is speaking, and the message should always be recognizable. And with each contact, your customer has to find the relevant information for that moment. From your website and online communications to corporate apparel, print, advertising, fleet, signage and more.

That doesn’t mean everything has to be the same. But to really connect with your customers, there must be a logical connection between everything you say and do.

The power of brands

I am a certified trainer of Brand the Change. A global online community dedicated to helping better sell products and ideas for a different world. We want to democratize knowledge about brands. It also gives companies that do not have the budgets of the big players the tools to make a real difference.


I don’t have a standard format for projects and workshops because every question and every organization is different. The models and working methods of Brand the Change that I usually use bring together many brand models I have seen over the years. This methodology is very scalable and flexible. I supplement it with Design Thinking methods when necessary to address any brand or communication question in a customized way.


By now, I have encountered almost every dilemma about brands and communications, in organizations large and small, from companies to governments and cultural institutions. Yet I still learn something new almost daily because I always want to know more.


I have worked for many clients in this list for many years. I was creatively responsible for developing online and offline brand identities that were often rolled out globally. Or I developed products with a team such as websites, online annual reports, image databases, magazines, trade show booths, etc.

From a number of projects I have a case study on this website. Please let me know if you would like to learn more about a client whose case I did not create.

Eye Film Museum
City Theatre Utrecht
Allard Pierson
Kröller-Müller Museum
Nemo Science Center
KIT, Royal Tropical Institute
Pier K, Cultural Center

Fair Fabrics
LCG, Consultancy and Training
Liberty Global
Multi Real Estate
IGC International
Twynstra Gudde, Management Consultants
Wanadoo Cable

Transport and Logistics
Schiphol Group
GVB Amsterdam
Rijksdienst voor het wegverkeer

Financial Services
Nationale Nederlanden
MN, Pension Management
APG, Algemene Pensioen Groep

City of Amsterdam
CBS, Statistics Netherlands
Province Noord Holland
Municipality Gooise Meren
Consument & Veiligheid

Science and Education
EMBL, European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Technical University Eindhoven
Amsterdam College
University of Amsterdam

Nuna, Childrens Furniture
Cehave Group, Agribusiness
Ahrend, Office Furniture

KVAN, Royal Dutch Association for Archives

Wolters Kluwer


I have worked for many clients in this list for many years. I was creatively responsible for developing online and offline brand identities that were often rolled out globally. Or I developed products with a team such as websites, online annual reports, image databases, magazines, trade show booths, etc.

From a number of projects I have a case study on this website. Please let me know if you would like to learn more about a client whose case I did not create.

Eye Film Museum
City Theatre Utrecht
Allard Pierson
Kröller-Müller Museum
Nemo Science Center
KIT, Royal Tropical Institute
Pier K, Cultural Center

Fair Fabrics
LCG, Consultancy and Training
Liberty Global
Multi Real Estate
IGC International
Twynstra Gudde, Management Consultants
Wanadoo Cable

Transport and Logistics
Schiphol Group
GVB Amsterdam
Rijksdienst voor het wegverkeer

Financial Services
Nationale Nederlanden
MN, Pension Management
APG, Algemene Pensioen Groep

City of Amsterdam
CBS, Statistics Netherlands
Province Noord Holland
Municipality Gooise Meren
Consument & Veiligheid

Science and Education
EMBL, European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Technical University Eindhoven
Amsterdam College
University of Amsterdam

Nuna, Childrens Furniture
Cehave Group, Agribusiness
Ahrend, Office Furniture

KVAN, Royal Dutch Association for Archives

Wolters Kluwer

Work Experience

Independent brand consultant and designer
2018 –
From strategic advice and workshops to hands-on design and design management. For clients ranging from corporations to governments to non-profit and cultural organizations.

Certified trainer Brand the Change
2019 –

Design Director
2008 – 2018
Team leader / Senior Graphic Designer 2001- 2008
Edenspiekermann is an international design agency with offices in Amsterdam, Berlin, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Singapore.

Creative and budget responsibility for major identity projects and developing (digital) products. Leading and managing multidisciplinary teams. Design direction, art direction, project management, strategic concept and design.

Guest lecturer workshops on design thinking methods and ideation
2012 – 2014
AKV| St. Joost, Master Graphic Design, Breda.

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